What is THCV Good For?
There are so many cannabinoids out in the world today, and each one claims to be good for one thing or another. We’re here to give you some activities to do with THCV you may not have thought about all on your lonesome.
Working Out
It’s the beginning of the year, and that means gym memberships are at an all-time high. But a lot of people have a hard time getting motivated, and may not like the anxiety-inducing pre-workout or other highly-caffeinated energy drinks commonly consumed before working out. THCV makes a great alternative to those methods.
With its energy-metabolism boosting qualities and a lovely focus-inducing property, THCV is the perfect cannabinoid to consume right before heading in (or about thirty to forty-five minutes before, if your method of consumption is an edible). You’ll get all of the energy without the caffeine crash.
2. Hiking
Just like using THCV for the gym, using it for outside activities is a great way to get a natural energy boost. It’s also a great way to enjoy the outdoors even more. When paired with THC, THCV gives the user a lovely euphoric sensation. Colors seem to be even brighter, and lights even sparkle a bit. Haven’t tried THCV in the great outdoors yet? We highly recommend it.
3. Crafts, video games, or puzzles
Anything that requires a bit of focus is a great activity to do with THCV. THCV provides users with a great focus boost, making activities even more interesting. Especially those that involve creating. THC has long been used for creative endeavors, and our products pair THCV with THC for a perfect blend of euphoric creativity and focused intensity.
What are you favorite things to do with THCV? We’d love to hear about ‘em.