How Does THCV Give Us A Focus Boost?

In our body is a thing called the Endocannabinoid System, which helps controls things like neuroplasticity and the balancing of our nervous system. Cannabis (and more specifically, the cannabinoids found in cannabis), can have all sorts of effects on the ECS, and some of them can actually help boost your brain.

Though there aren’t many studies currently out on THCV, as it is still very new in the world and not widely available, the science of the ECS (Endocannabinoid System) points to a few key ways in which cannabis can have effects on our brains. From these, we can piece together how THCV plays a role in increasing focus.

One study showed improved cognitive function in patients using cannabis, perhaps due to symptom alleviation that cannabis can provide by blocking certain receptors in the ECS. Those symptoms that prevent cognitive function can range from anywhere from pain, to the inability to focus due to drowsiness or anxiousness.

THCV alone has been shown in other studies to help alleviate those symptoms.

According to one study, “Increased endocannabinoid signaling is associated with reduced stress response, improved emotion regulation, and increased reward signaling,” which can all help our brain focus more.

The hippocampus is responsible for memory, learning, and emotional processing, which controls things like anxiety. We learn by focusing on something, and remembering what we saw.

If the hippocampus has increased signals because of cannabis use, we can deduce that cannabis can help increase focus, which can promote learning.

Have you noticed these effects from THCV?


Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. Burggrena, Alison C., Shirazi, Anaheed, Ginder, Nathaniel, and London, Edythe D. “Cannabis effects on brain structure, function, and cognition: considerations for medical uses of cannabis and its derivatives” 2019 Jul 31.


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